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Showing most liked content on 05/28/2019 in Status Updates

  1. 36 points
    Update: If everything goes well, the new PUBG HACK will be released within 1-2 days.
  2. 35 points
    Never trust the link posted by other member, people who advertises here will be banned immediately.
  3. 4 points
    We are still working on the new version of the PUBG hack, stay tunned.
  4. 1 point
    What members talking about here is no more pubg hack ,that’s not true ,all you must know hacking without jb or even android without root isn’t easy as tencent push more security ,what cz did famous hackers were stops since months . kindly stop disturbing developers and be patient. مايتداول اليوم لايوجد هاك والموقع سيتم اغلاقة ولايوجد صحة لهذا الكلام ارجو انتظار ردود المطور
  5. 1 point
    Dear our hero @Cz1993: Its look like 10 min banned have been solved,feedback come to me with positive,thank you for what you did❤️ For our vip,svip members : kindly stop used dlg codes even its safe for now but later with few games could lead detect our hacks.السلام عليكم: علي مايبدو مشكلة ١٠ دقائق انحلت شكرا للمطور وشكرا لصبركم ? يرجى عدم استخدام الاكواد قد تسبب في انكشاف الهاك وشكرا لكم من الاعماق محبكم نواف