I already did this glitch, so thats why I have high speed.
1. You will need a 2 weapons or melees that either makes you slower or faster.
Eksampel: Lets say your speed is 44 with any weapons or melee, and you equip e.g VSS. It takes 1 speed from you, making you slower.
I will be using VSS which takes 1 speed. So my speed is 87.
2. Now find a weapon or melee which gives 1 speed.
I will be using Iron Hatchet, which gives 1 speed. So I have 88.
3. Go to any lootable location with crates. Clear the area and loot something, which gives a loading bar, like in the picture here.
4. When you loot it, quick open your inventory.
Switch between those two weapons/melee, you have choosen, so your speed goes up and down.
Everytime you switch the weapon that gives 1 speed, you get 1 more speed added up.
5. Your speed should now be higher.
Mine went from 87 to 92.
Note: Speed will reset if you die.
Speed will not reset if you restart the game.
There is no limits, but over 300 is uncontrolable.
If it didn't work for you, try the saw blade mace and watch the video bellow.
Hope you liked the tutorial. Enjoy.
Sorry for bad quality: