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Everything posted by Alhsn

  1. I got a solution that works most of the time but I’m not sure if it works always. To to use the hack without getting any bans make sure that u disconnect from the WiFi every 4-8 minutes for 3 seconds only then connect again and play properly. When u finish the game please make sure to close the game and open it again. For those who use their data to play please switch to airplane mode instead of closing ur data and open it. This has worked for me and I hope it will work for you too. NOTE: Do not use the hack if your connection is terrible as this will interrupt some data and make you get banned. Goodluck all
  2. The game said I will be penalized next time ... does this mean that I can get banned for 10 years????? I didn’t even use my hacks I only played in the cracked version