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About Jack1212

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  • Device
    iPhone 6S
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak
  1. You are not the only people to produce this hack yet I virtually have to earn my way to play this game and am still waiting to play... Such a terrible user experience to be quite honest. I won't waste anymore time here...
  2. Account not activated, need post atleast 1 comment/reply in the iOsGG Community. Can Active: NO I have replied to many posts in the community including this one...
  3. Account not activated, need post atleast 1 comment/reply in the iOsGG Community. Can Active: NO Still haven't been authorized to play... Waiting for account activation. To be honest, this is the only hack I've ever played with such a tedious process...
  4. There are a few stat imbalances in a few of the items for example the ak-47 is MUCH weaker than even the handgun. The armor is not correct either. I have had to experiment with a few of the different equipments to find the best one but I feel even after that it’s much weaker than what it could be with this hack.