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Everything posted by Fakeskill

  1. Why is this one working well , no ban no crash using dlg codes played 12 game killing range above 13 while in inter national is not working
  2. I played 7 games right now on V4 first two games got crash more than once and then banned for 10 min the last 5 games i have no ban just the. Crash two time in the game usually. i used head shot in the last 5 games and no ban first two games I didn’t use any dlg
  3. لا تضيع وقتك مافي ولا نسخه زابطه باقي باندات ابو عشره دقايق وكرش للقيم كل شوي
  4. 1 game v4 without any codes or slider i got 1 crash then i back after that i got 10 min ban شباب لا تتعبون نفسكم باند ١٠ دقايق النسخه ٤ بدون اي كود او حتى سلايدر عموما حتى الحساب قولد
  5. بطلو حنه راح يضبط الوضع ولا ما كان تاخر شالفايده يرد وينزل تحديث بريالين
  6. Second game without using any code and no slider i got ban 10 min again in the middle of the game even when I disconnected my data for 5 sec Just close the topic until you find a solution
  7. First test first game ban 10 min after killing 3 anyway i used codes i will make second test without any code i will update you
  8. What do u mean v2 have you updated the hack
  9. For me i got banned 3 times first one was after I started the second game before i get in the plane ✈️ the second banned was in the lobby after I finished one good game i keep using slider + codes i went from bronze to ace without any ban but the last three days something is changed
  10. Hack is detected be aware if you keep getting 10 min ban , stop using it until @Cz1993 make an update