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Everything posted by Fakeskill

  1. Thanks my friend @Cz1993I enjoyed playing with this hack and i got what i was looking for .wish you all the best for the next update
  2. للهاك مضمون للان اموره طيبه ، عموما موضوع الانتينا لو عندك مشكله وانت باللوبي فعل الانتينا بعدين لرجع فعلها قبل تطلع الطياره راح تضبط معك كررها لين يزبط Hack is safe played 30 games in row using antenna and magic anyway am using method 3
  3. After you reply go now to the first page and scroll down you will find the download
  4. Gentlemen, kindly advice if you know how to use code for both versions. I have installed both global and Korean version. When I generate a code its active on One of them . Both can’t be active at the same time
  5. Yeah yesterday was fine, played more that 50 games without any ban today I got 1 day . I will stop until you update the global version
  6. Just once and make sure the clear phone is connected to the internet and make sure that the screen doesn’t not turned off . Just repeat this method when ever you want to play with the hack phone
  7. 1st log in which the clean phone and start classic game then close pubg from the back after that log in again with your clean phone , you will find the message to enter the game just wait to enter log in now with hack phone and you will find the message again on both phones , enter the game 1st with the clean phone then enter the game with the hack phone. on the clear phone you find a message says data connection error leave the phone on that message and don’t close it. now on the hack phone you will in the game just exit that game , and enjoy the hack with other games
  8. I have been playing more than 25 games no banned at all , just use the third methods and don’t use any codes
  9. Played 3 games no banned using third method , am playing without aim bot version
  10. @cz1993 hi bro will try now but do we have to reinstall the game or just play with the third method