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Everything posted by Opsirap

  1. I think we have the some hack Vip and Svip After 1 month as VIP, I can say I play just 1 week safe but the other 3 week was horrible.who know maybe another ios hack can go better than this one?
  2. Also is not about money, but why admin can't answer her is take just 2 min to reply and explain what happened
  3. I think admin don't care, he want only get time and after 2 days he will close this topic, waiting another 4 days for new version, than after 2 days detected again lool
  4. @Cz1993where are you bro? Why you don't replay to your memberships??!! Respect us please and answer our question.
  5. Is not about deleting the game bro, hack now is not safe, if you can do nothing to improve your version please tell us and don't say like this dummy solution.
  6. I think is not safe, i dont got ban in my account, but i deleted the hack version waiting of new update. please make sure that all member delet the hack version because is not safe anymore
  7. When its not safe, its not safe. you can also play other 4 games or 5 safe, but when its ban 5 or 6 person today, your turn come tomorrow. we need other update
  8. We need new activition code when i want to take one i got this message stock is out Please updat the promo code to get new confirmation code
  9. How can i use more than code in the some time ? Because whe I use x ray i dont know how to make another code like no grass
  10. لازم تضغط على active hack بسرعة، لو ماضهرش اقفل اللعبة واعد المحاولة شوف الصفحة الاولى فيها شرح