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Posts posted by Hamad19

  1. 57 minutes ago, FHDALG said:

    This is my short story ??‍♂️

     My first subscription:
     I enjoyed the fifth season only for 10 days out of a one month subscription

     My second subscription:
     I enjoyed the first two days of the sixth season and the last week of it also out of a subscription for a month

     My third subscription:
     I only used for 5 days in season 7 now and only today my monthly subscription period ended

     But I did not ask for material compensation only I want sensory compensation and only enjoy the duration of my entire socialist but I have a question and I wish to be answered by anyone interested in the game PUBG

     Is there anyone who can advise me to renew my subscription if a new copy is available, and will I be protected well or wait for the next season or look for another alternative? 
     I am confused now and I can not make a decision and I want good advice to follow and I hope to reply with respectable and moral words away from racism and extremism ?

    My store lik u