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Everything posted by Swizz20

  1. everything is just horrible in here we are dying trying to download something and finally when we did , the activation code doesn’t work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even if we paid for ( stupid super key ) , It’s not useful at all , why are we buying the super key when there’s no difference !!!!
  2. المفتاح الفائق اجل !! لا مفتاح ولا يحزنون ينفع
  3. there is already a user has started to sign with the app , try again some minutes later ! this message over and over and over and over and over AND OVER AGAIN ??????
  4. there is already a user has started to sign with the app , try again some minutes later ! what the f*** (inappropriate word) does that mean ???
  5. Ok i got the code but when i use it it says error how to get it right please ?