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Everything posted by Fd611

  1. Peace, mercy and blessings of God Dear brother If you are a member of this site please help? I do not know why this problem did not tell me when will solve this problem..? Thanks
  2. Peace, mercy and blessings of God Dear brother If you are a member of this site please help? I do not know why this problem did not tell me when will solve this problem..?
  3. Please help guys. Is there any method to avoid ban? @Fd611Please respond so we know that you are still fixing this issue or not. Every hack only able for 1 day. It seems like that.
  4. وش المشكله كل يوم يعطوني باند بليز نبي حل للمشكله?
  5. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته شكرن من القلب عالهكر الجميل هههههههه بس طلعت من اللعبة اليوم ☹️