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About TheAnonymousKiller

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  • Device
    iPhone 7
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak

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  1. i tried..but it didn't work. bc if I tried to buy something I would get the message that the service is temporarily unavailable. :(
  2. Is there also a version of 1.8.7? If there is than please update
  3. I tried but then it says :progress.hpp:87 _assert(false)...so?
  4. When I try to download it with cydia impactor I get this: ‘provision.cpp:81 ios/sumbitdevelopmentCSR =7460 you already have a current IOS development certificate or a penning certificate request’. I don’t actually know what to do or what it means so please help...
  5. Heyy, uhm how do you get free coins because as you Guys say, the coins increase instead of decrease, but that doesn’t work for me or can you Guys explain to me like what to do to get more coins, okay byeee
  6. Thank you for the hack, Man! You're freaking awesome!