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Everything posted by Salim9778

  1. So there is new version like 12.1 or what? And what are the codes will be available ?
  2. What are the codes ? Which are been detected ?? Slider and headshot will be available ?
  3. Antenna is annoying so i dont think its a solution , so just we need xray
  4. When will it be released ! Sure tomorrow ? And what is the exact time? Will it be direct or ipa?
  5. Its not a good way to solve it by raising i think 15$ is reasonable مب لازم الفلسفه ياخوي احنا مش شخص او شخصين مئات الااف مستخدمين الهاك
  6. Yeah but he is not helping us by details or the news about the new hack
  7. @Cz1993my dear u didnt respond any of us like confirming us when will be able to download the game just 24-48hrs so what is the news ? Nothing happened cause now 2 days we've been waiting