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Everything posted by Mesh3lxGh

  1. open your apple id and generate temporary password for the app. it may you enable two-step verification :)
  2. The kid how attacked iosgg attacking my server too at the moment with 300K request per second. but his attack detected already hahaha . Kid, try one more time lol. will pay you 100$ if you can down the server lmao.
  3. Okay Abdullah, just download below link and PM fro teamviewer. meshal.store/Global0.18.0_Menu_v2_No_Cert.ipa
  4. it's same as CZ hack, i just remove the certificate and uploaded into my server to be able to install it easier by cydia impactor. This is IPA file.
  5. I removed IOSGG certificate due to Hundreds of requests through private messages. You can know install it directly from your PC (use cydia impactor only) meshal.store/Global0.18.0_Menu_v2_No_Cert.ipa
  6. If you could not resinge the IPA , you have to delete the IOSGG "manually"and after that install it by cydia impactor. Youtube is very useful. write " how to resing IPA file" or "how replace IPA certificate"
  7. Gents, if @Cz1993 allow me to edit the ipa and include old menu + safe code i will do it. this version is amazing and it made by CZ and as respect i need his permission to edit it.
  8. use a tool like ( cydia impactor ) it can be download into windows. Don't forget to remove IOSGG certificate.
  9. i just recommed Mac. you can do it via windows with cydia impactor. ( don't forget to remove IOSGG certificate first)
  10. no need. just delete the IOSGG certificate from IPA file then install it normally to your phone. any apple ID have 7 days temporary certificate. ( use cydia impact , Youtube will be helpfull) check Youtube " how to resign
  11. WOW 28K request per second !! server power has been increased ( 2x CPU 32 c - 72 RAM ) public network 1Gbp/s. Enjoy guys
  12. if your phone jailbrokenm no issues you can download it directly without PC then resing it with any available resing methods.
  13. Guys USE YOUR PC TO DOWNLOAD IPA FILE. DO NOT DOWNLOADED THROUGH YOUR PHONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. certificate name. 1- download your own certificate from apple developer 2- press into the certificate once downloaded. you will find full name.
  15. super install certificate is not yours. it's belong to CZ. just delete IOSGG certificate from the IPA file then install it via cydia impactor.
  16. Please ask google for how to resing IPA file. i will explain that step by step later.
  17. 1- type Othman resign in google 2- download the file from Github. 3- put all IPA file in the folder named 'in' the resigned IPA files will be in the folder named 'out' 4 go to terminal and run the script same as ( othmanresign "iPhone Distribution: xxxx (xxxx)" )