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Everything posted by romerro

  1. Split Broken: gives million items for items guns don’t split No FastTravel/Less Cost Craft broken, weapons with 1/2 health Ak47s etc. ..?! 1.16.1 version
  2. How’s it happen. Must be a rat from Apple in user list
  3. Just on time when I found a Silencer Blueprint for a Glock :/ need damn Carbon, that’s only in Bravo now, too hard - not enough firepower :/
  4. Pls fix weapon craft with next update AK47/M4 craft is broken
  5. Why if you craft weapons other than Sniper all have 1/2 health? ..
  6. Weapons still breaking. No split for single items .. pls fix it
  7. Thank you comrades! Its genius decision, at the moment all this madness with Revoke around the inet is bul$$$. This is really nice!! Love you XXX