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Everything posted by Serjo

  1. السلام عليكم لو فيه أحد من الاخوة العرب يجوبني هل النسخة. انكشفت او لا وبارك الله فيكم
  2. I cannot send you a private message because it is not allowed to send more than 3 messages a day
  3. @Cz1993Dear cz I just purchased the key for super install and I successfully managed to dowload pubg mobile on my device but please I need an activation code as my current one has expired when the direct install certificate was revoked. Please I need the code urgently Kind regards. Thank you
  4. @Cz1993Dear cz I just purchased the key for super install and I successfully managed to dowload pubg mobile on my device but please I need an activation code as my current one has expired when the direct install certificate was revoked. Please I need the code urgently Kind regards. Thank you
  5. Plz. I need new cod Dear cz I just purchased the key for super install and I successfully managed to dowload pubg mobile on my device but please I need an activation code as my current one has expired when the direct install certificate was revoked. Please I need the code urgently Kind regards. Thank you
  6. I've loaded a game. When they asked me to enter the code. They tell me the device is not active
  7. I've loaded a game. When they asked me to enter the code. They tell me the device is not active
  8. Why then? Enter the code telling me the installation failed, contact your administrator to check the amount available for the device.
  9. Why after I download the game says to Tetb Altbait