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Everything posted by mindfreak0

  1. I could help you through TeamViewer to solve your problem its not that hard thing
  2. Yes, i met like 3 persons here with iphone 6+ who have same issue..
  3. Yes right, but for my bad luck this version doesn’t support iPhone 6+ processors, when i ever the i play the game crashed in middle of match, so i deleted the hack and i think there is no solution will be implemented for this my vip is useless Thanks @Cz1993
  4. يا اخوان مين معه ايفون ٦ وبيحصله كراش في الهاك ؟
  5. We should tell him about this. please contact him se he would know that this is public problem. there are so many users have iPhone 6 so he should fix it for us
  6. Same with me, only iPhone 6 have this problem and i think they will not give any attention to us as other iPhones working with no problems we just have fcking bad luck cuz we have this mother fckin iPhone 6
  7. Cz is aware of the problem, might be he find a solution for it i deleted the hack and installed the original till he solve the issue the game crashing soo many times, you can't even continue a game and you gonna die in match because of crash
  8. @Cz1993 quoting it cuz i have same problem and same iPhone 6+ seems the problem happen on iphone 6
  9. أتبع الخطوات دى : 1- اقفل الايفون وافتحه ، و الكمبيوتر كذلك اقفله وافتحه 2- تلغى التاتش اى دى ، والباسورد من الايفون وتخليه بدون اى اى حمايه مؤقتا 3- تفتح السيديا وتدوس على Xcode > Revoke Certificate 4- تكتب الاميل والباسورد زى ماشرحت فى البوست اللى قبله وتنتظر لحين يقول certificate revoked ملاحظه: نزل الاي تيونز من الرابط دا وثبته على الجهاز قبل الخطوات اللى فوق https://www.apple.com/itunes/download/win64
  10. للاخوان اللى لسه مافهموا كيف الطريقه 1- نزل ملف ال ipa 2- اسحبه بالماوس وحطه فى السيديا زى الصورة دى https://gyazo.com/852f642e5e9a7995fe34133a46b81a14 3- هايطلب منك اميل الاى كلاود والباسورد ، هاتكتب الاميل عادى جدا والبااسورد هاتدخل موقع أبل دا https://appleid.apple.com 4- تكتب فى موقع أبل الاميل والباسورد فى بيانات الدخول ، وبعد كدا هايطلب منك موافقه من الايفون ، هاتفتح الايفون وتعمل سماح وتكتب الكود 5- بعد ماتدخل فى موقع ابل ، تعمل استخراج لباسورد مؤقت ل تثبيت البرنامج زى الصورة دى http://prntscr.com/nfeq1l 6- اكتب فى ال label اى حاجه وبعدا كدا دوس create http://prntscr.com/nfeqfq 6- نسخ الكود اللى بيظهر واعمل لصق له فى السيديا وبعد كدا انتر http://prntscr.com/nfer3v 7- انتظر التثبيت لمدة 10 دقايق او اقل وبعدها ييجى رساله complete 8- تدخل الايفون فى الاعدادات setting > general > profiles & device management > trust ( icloud email )
  11. الموضوع سهل جدا 1- نزل ملف ال ipa 2- اسحبه بالماوس وحطه فى السيديا زى الصورة دى https://gyazo.com/852f642e5e9a7995fe34133a46b81a14 3- هايطلب منك اميل الاى كلاود والباسورد ، هاتكتب الاميل عادى جدا والبااسورد هاتدخل موقع أبل دا https://appleid.apple.com 4- تكتب فى موقع أبل الاميل والباسورد فى بيانات الدخول ، وبعد كدا هايطلب منك موافقه من الايفون ، هاتفتح الايفون وتعمل سماح وتكتب الكود 5- بعد ماتدخل فى موقع ابل ، تعمل استخراج لباسورد مؤقت ل تثبيت البرنامج زى الصورة دى http://prntscr.com/nfeq1l 6- اكتب فى ال label اى حاجه وبعدا كدا دوس create http://prntscr.com/nfeqfq 6- نسخ الكود اللى بيظهر واعمل لصق له فى السيديا وبعد كدا انتر http://prntscr.com/nfer3v 7- انتظر التثبيت لمدة 10 دقايق او اقل وبعدها ييجى رساله complete 8- تدخل الايفون فى الاعدادات setting > general > profile & device management > trust ( icloud email )
  12. شوف الصورة دى تسحب الفايل وتحطه فى السيديا https://gyazo.com/852f642e5e9a7995fe34133a46b81a14
  13. I will not renew the VIP since there is no support.. i mentioned him 3 times while he responding to others, but he doesn't give me any fckin attention
  14. @Cz1993i'd like to say that the game keeps crashing when i use DLG engine for search. i'm not jail-broken device erased my iPhone thinking it will be solved but still the engine doesn't appear and i have to close the game and open again so the engine will appear now i got pain in a$$ cuz it need new serial number to activate the device cuz the old one is used, i think its the end of story, registered vip for month and used hack 3 times, 2 main accounts got banned and now the registration will be end after 4 days... 0 support / 0 answering to my messages ...
  15. تواصل معي واقولك بالخطوات بالظبط كيف تشغل الجيم
  16. Bro, pubg is really crashing and close even while playing also crashing when i write any code in dlg engine
  17. @Cz1993 bro please help, why the game disconnects and close when i search with float ? help please, it wasn't happen in old versions
  18. I wonder why the hell when i gonna hide grass and writing float 0.000005 then search, the game disconnects and disappear after 15 secs
  19. Are you sure bro? i deleted the game and installed again but still not appearing thats weird
  20. Hey bro@Cz1993 Do DLG engine removed? I really don't see the engine icon, i installed the game 2 times but still not appearing please clarify me