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Everything posted by Grimstone

  1. Wtf, u can or can't update hack pubg? @Cz1993 this version play with boot only, kill human after 10 min ban ban and ban... All rank all map, if kill human sure 100% ban. R.i.p iosgg. Buy vip for wait 1 month no update hack, no support. Close topic for pubg or close iosgg.com i think that's good idea.
  2. U can update new version? @Cz1993 band and band midle game. Plz update or close all topic for pubg plz @Cz1993 @Primo
  3. Make an update for pubg plz @Cz1993 this version detected! Rank Platinum I not use code band 10 min, 10min and 1 day, if still play sure is ban 1 year. Help update new version plz @Cz1993. Thanks.
  4. Why so many people try to install this version? it's not safe, band 10 min and 2 month. stop install that version... wait for @Cz1993update new version!
  5. Why so many people try to install this version? it's not safe, band 10 min and 2 month. stop install that version... wait for @Cz1993 update new version!
  6. Update new version plz @Cz1993 or close all topic PUBG Because all version detected. Band every game :((
  7. Update new version plz @Cz1993 or close all topic PUBG Because all version detected. Band every game :((
  8. Can't download all game from iossgg.com.... can't connect to iosgg.com ..... fix plz @Cz1993 thanks for hard work!
  9. Update code for KR/JP and VNG version plz @Cz1993 only code for Global version can't use
  10. NO. If u use account in vietnamese version u can't come back to global version, Just make new account for play vietnamese version. good luck