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Everything posted by Grimstone

  1. can't install all game. download finish and up black icon. wtf ????
  2. can't install all game. download finish and up black icon. wtf ????
  3. Omg, revoked again @Cz1993! So so bad hack site! Bye bye iossgg! Never buy vip again
  4. Hero Wars

    Plz hack the game @Cz1993
  5. Good version. I play 30 match and up to rank crow III no band. plz update code for still use hack @Cz1993
  6. Good version. I play 2x match up to rank crow no band. plz update code for still use hack @Cz1993
  7. Update code plz @Cz1993 @Primo 2 day no code can't play :((
  8. "Device not activited" Code doesn’t work. Update code plz @Cz1993 @Primo
  9. New test: 3 account: 1 account get ban after 35s in lobby, 2 accout get ban after 1 minute in training room, help plz. @Cz1993
  10. I think anti-ban of version 0.13.5 is so good. plz make version 0.14.0 with anti-ban of 0.13.5 @Cz1993 @Primo Because with anti-ban version 0.13.5 i play 2xx match no ban but 0.14.0 play 1x game and get ban!