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Everything posted by Farhood

  1. I challenge anyone the hack is not safe at all i have not used any codes i just download the game and played normally i got banned for 2 months. Currently, I would recommend to not use the hack
  2. ue to the current situation and the stoppage of the hack more a week i decided to stop the renewal. Paying for a such services like this is a waste if money and even there is no respect for the hack customers from the developer. Also did not mention that he will recompense us for the lost days this is really not acceptable by all means.
  3. Due to the current situation and the stoppage of the hack more a week i decided to stop the renewal. Paying for a such services like this is a waste if money and even there is no respect for the hack customers from the developer. Also did not mention that he will recompense us for the lost days this is really not acceptable by all means.
  4. The misuse of the hack leads to detection and banned from the game. since i start utilizing the app i’ve never get ban from the game because i simply use it wisely.
  5. Thank you for your response and update us with the current situations. You said “most if code are detected “ the question is it safe to play after downloading the new version? Waiting your reply and thanks
  6. Thanks body quick question do i need each time i get the new code to download the new game version or i can just stick it and play with the existing one
  7. we are still unable to to download the game there is a serious issue needs your attention ti fix the problem
  8. i still waiting your help and support to fix the issue with the download thanks
  9. still there is a problem to download the APP i got this message “ cannot connect to ioshack.vip “
  10. when i tried to download pubg version 0.12 i got this message “unable to download the app at this time” does anyone has the same issue i need your help and support Thanks
  11. Out of stock we lost one day of service we should get recompense.