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Everything posted by tryaink

  1. 0.4 atau 0.5 lebih mantep bro Btw @Natgaming blm bisa bisa tuh nge donlot Direct install nya kena eror dia kayak nya ???
  2. Only use 1code for HideGrass and working fine thanks @Cz1993 ??????
  3. Aman direct install dan IPA kedua nya berhasil di download pake opsel Indosat semalam ???
  4. If you remove dlg, we want slider for it and Include antene for New Update dlg i use, only for hide grass with code no other use dlg code ??????
  5. Nggak ah bang ane mah biasa aja dulu belajar maen bener wkwkkwkwkw
  6. Sementara pake akun yg gold dulu ngehindarin cheater kalo mainin yg ACE ???
  7. Link? No Link = HOAX BIAR di banned iosgg tau rasa itu akun ??? Cz1993 status anti revoke method ready @Cz1993i will waiting but my ViP member expired soon, april 14 ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️
  8. Link? No Link = HOAX BIAR di banned iosgg tau rasa itu akun ???
  9. Status update @Cz1993 "Cz1993 stay tuned" for What Bro? any info from you, when release?
  10. Just still waiting from @Cz1993 april,14 my VIP member need reNew but i pending for ReNew it
  11. PUBG UNBANNED! 2019

    This is work? Anybody can told me?
  12. Ane ada simpan shsh2 nya dari ios 11.0-12.2ane simpen semua cara nya yg ada di gugel udah ane ubek2 mau downgrade ke ios 12.1.2 biar bisa jebe ente ada link nya gak buat tutorial downgrade ios nya?
  13. Ada link caranya? ane udah ubek2 caranya gak bisa2 ane ada shsh2 blobs dari ios 11.3.1-12.2 gak ngefek Bang ???
  14. Wkwkkwkwkkwkwk lama benerrre ini update nya gak tau apa yg di pikirkan si Cz saat ini ???
  15. @Cz1993 status update "Cz1993 How many people want the ipa version for installing with cydia impactor?" Me, if this a only 1way choose for this time @Cz1993 ??????
  16. I look like iosgg like a ios gods nothing to advanced nothing to update link after 4day waiting update brother and sister (iosgg and ios gods) ???
  17. 1 hour krik krik krikkk 3 hour krik kriikkk krikkkk 1day krikk krikk krikkkk 1 week krikkkk krikkkkk krikkkkkk 1month and Subscribction on iosgg "TheEnd" ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️
  18. Anjay malah pada tengkar di iosgg saking kesel nya nunggu menunggu ketidakpastian dari @Cz1993 ???
  19. @Cz1993 please pm this account maybe we can find New certificate for iosgg "status update by Cz1993 Currently every dev like tweakbox and appvalley is having the same issue, we will fix this ASAP." if you change certificate not a TweakBox and AppValley or ignition.fun you will not revoke again by Apple