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Everything posted by tryaink

  1. @Cz1993 this update only force close on My iPhone XR ios 12.1 on JB and Non JB position always force close tell me Why?
  2. Use PBUG MOBILE version of AppStore if you jailbroken device pm me for slider only i'm use iPhone XR ios 12.1 play safe for everything use Slider only
  3. Ane juga mau nunggu yg norecoil only aja bang ane pake slider mya dari kiimo sementara maen nya aman kok cuma recoil nya gak nahan x-ray malah ribet bang gak kelihatan batu sm pohon parah gila
  4. Wait 3day and you can using new Code activation again 3day reNew activation Code only stay 3day
  5. Anyone can share New DLG code for HideGrass? not use 0.000005 this code not working
  6. When i open DLG for using code PUBG always close why @Cz1993? Any fix this problem? Use dlg only for Hide grass ?????? On position Jailbreak and non jailbreak when opening DLG always Force Close Game i'm use Chimera jailbreak on iPhone XR ios 12.1
  7. PUBG IPA installed was revoke i was installed direct install but my Activation code not working please reset my activation code @Cz1993 ????
  8. Still play installed from Cydia Impactor still work on this day What your code for magic bullet?
  9. Antene -1.68741035461 float all : 10000 After each game we have to do it again