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Everything posted by F4iS4L2

  1. I can't play with Twitter or Facebook account just I can play with guest , any one have same problem ?
  2. I have problems when I try to Add any cod the game restart direct ? I can’t activate any cod
  3. If someone interested about (Sharp Shooter) just contact me ? اللي عنده استفسار بخصوص الشارب شوتر يتواصل معاي +971556661169
  4. If someone interested about (Sharp Shooter) just contact me ? اللي عنده استفسار بخصوص الشارب شوتر يتواصل معاي +971556661169
  5. I can't add any Cod , the game it's working fine but always when I try to activate any cod the game direct restart
  6. I can't Add any Cod , always when I try to add any cod the game direct restart
  7. DLG codes 0.11.0
