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Everything posted by joshuapubg13

  1. Yeah but cz can’t do it now ipa file it’s the best at this moment
  2. Go to Walmart or target and install out there man or Best Buy come on ppl help ya self a little be
  3. Ok search the error number in google.com and it’s gonna show you how to fixed I used to have one error and I googled and I saw a video from YouTube that help me to fixed
  4. Code was Already expired every 3 days u need a new code search for topics how to active pubg code How to get Self-service Activation Code for PUBG follows this steps
  5. @Cz1993Impactor 0.9.53 its not working for me i do it as the video at your website an im getting error
  6. @Cz1993 anything you can do for we can get better gun skin like the m416 ?????? The new m416
  7. @Cz1993 I can’t play n I’m Paying same money of every one out here I told u iOS 12 can’t be jb
  8. @Primohow we gonna be sure he won’t signup as a new vip member
  9. @Primo it’s gonna work when the subscription ended and he need cash shame bro @Cz1993
  10. @Cz1993 I got all the app AppEven, Adblock ready man waiting for the link released come on