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Everything posted by Iloveiosggg

  1. Yesterday was good. But 100% banned from today. Cracked version be found by tencent. Stop trying and wait update.
  2. No one could download if all try to download in same time. @Cz1993 please make a download queue
  3. More than 300 subscribers online trying to download in same time. Server is going down again. Guys go sleep and come back download after 2days.
  4. I think the problem is not magic bullet. Because the ban is show using third party app, please download from App Store. Just got 10 mins banned after kill real player and same time first zone started running. Killed 3 robots but no banned. 4th is real player.
  5. dont play. Not safe after 15mb updated @Cz1993please check the update. It cause ban now.
  6. @Cz1993can’t manually the code or please build in no grass. If there is also old dlg version would be perfect.
  7. @Cz1993please check global version installation. So many person downloaded and got gray icon today. Can’t open app like revoked. Let’s know if its revoked then we don’t need to reinstall and reinstall again and again.
  8. Bro, what’s you problem. You are fooling people with lie. 1, download is hard for everyone. It’s true. And you can’t change it by tell bull sh!t. 2, Global version is working fine as I know. But it’s currently revoked. So unable to download now I think. Because I just tried and downloaded 3 times. 3,other versions are not safe. Get 10mins when first kill. So no need to try now. Just wait update.
  9. @Cz1993it’s revoked. I tried 3 times. Can’t open the app after downloaded. The color is gray. Please check!
  10. @Cz1993please fix this version. It’s detected. Maybe leave old dlg engine with other version except global version?
  11. Can’t download this shirt. I signed and downloaded three times. All were failed during downloading!
  12. Always there is a user already started sighed in. Please wait. Only me?