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Everything posted by Iloveiosggg

  1. I will wait for no recoil only version. Can’t play with x-ray version. Can’t see any trees, rocks and builds. Easy get reported and banned.
  2. I have been here about 2 months. From my experience, Cz has different time between us. :) I wish this time he has same like with us.
  3. 一起来捉妖

    need it pls
  4. 一起来捉妖

    im sad
  5. 一起来捉妖

    up please
  6. 一起来捉妖

    really need a hack for this. i got banned many times with other hack of this game. i think iosgg is the best place where i have find a safest hack. please consider about it. @Cz1993
  7. 一起来捉妖

    sorry,i dont have itunes
  8. ipa version release on Monday, and today is Friday. but still nothing happen to the direct installation.
  9. would be better if there is a estimated time for new version,so we dont need to wait till late night
  10. seems like people are tired for waiting? less and less post