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Everything posted by DeathPirate777

  1. Re-activate please and thank you and have a solid day
  2. How do I get passed the update without uninstalling and needing to be activated again or am I going to have to do that every time a update is available How do I get passed the update without uninstalling and needing to be activated again or am I going to have to do that every time a update is available
  3. I need re-activate last day on earth please,thank you and have a nice day
  4. I need reactivated please,I new to this gaming stuff and it needed updated,so I thought by deleting and bring the game back and signing in,it would help but it didn’t so any help from this point forward so I don’t make a mistake like this again would help thank you and thank you for my tips that come through
  5. Would be cool to win the vip but also would appreciate it if I was activated,thanks again and look forward to using this site