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Everything posted by Arsalankingston2

  1. Does it works for ios 11.4.1 is i the same undecimus v 3.7.0 b3 ?
  2. So now I’m sure that it is a copy of another person hack , or he is making hack for both iosgg and Advertisement , cause in both slpit hack has problem
  3. Would you please ipdate it bro ? @Cz1993 ???? It’s a whilebthat new update has come
  4. The game jusy crashed with onstalling your deb file , Jailbroken Ios 11.4.1- iphone 7+ @Cz1993 would you please explain this item : Destroy other houses ? Does it means that we can make something like radio tower and with this option we can destroy it and make a new one ? Caus eif something like that can happen it is insane !!!! Do you know how many people wrongly finalized some atuff like Radiotower , ATV and lost for ever their isage of that building? It can be ised ofr maybe hundreds of users and I knoe tens of hem already via a forum! Thanks for your support and help and your full amazing hack Anybody has crash report for 1.11.5 ?
  5. @Cz1993 please update to 1.11.5 , would you please explain this item : Destroy other houses ? Does it means that we can make something like radio tower and with this option we can destroy it and make a new one ? Caus eif something like that can happen it is insane !!!! Do you know how many people wrongly finalized some atuff like Radiotower , ATV and lost for ever their isage of that building? It can be ised ofr maybe hundreds of users and I knoe tens of hem already via a forum! Thanks for your support and help and your full amazing hack
  6. First Dw, Is it a new Advertisements ? I’m going to start it