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Everything posted by Ping99hacK

  1. @Alzaim يمكننا التحدث هنا.
  2. Boss created a new certificate installed via the 3u program to help prevent revocation. I think it might work. Because I do it now 6 hours still not revoked ????? @Cz1993
  3. After installing hack Can't enter the game Please check the boss. @Cz1993
  4. To All please wait Still have to take the time to make a new certificate without allowing Apple to withdraw And still cannot specify the time at this time
  5. Or the boss must be issued as an AFL directly But include the download in that app Which is not easy But for the boss, it is not difficult But it takes time??? @Cz1993
  6. I haven't seen a temporary certificate for more than 3 hours. No matter which camp Apple withdraws all temporary certificates. ????? @Cz1993
  7. To All. Please wait. It may take time. ???????? Wait @Cz1993 Notify update again ?????? [Excellent administrator]
  8. Antenna code Target lock code I tested now, still no problem.