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Everything posted by uaejustice

  1. But if you disconnect the connection how you you can play? You can’t play because will show you server not respond
  2. I played two game I got band 10 minutes in the middle of the game what happend?
  3. When I am playing I can not hear my friends in the same time also in the lobby I can not hear all the game (all the games like that) Can anyone help me
  4. When I am playing I can not hear my friends in the same time also in the lobby I can not hear all the game (all the games like that) Can anyone help me
  5. I removed old version and installed 13.5 but when I open the game give me update!!! Shall i update it from the game or what? Can you help me please
  6. I removed old version and installed 13.5 but when I open the game give me update!!! Shall i update it from the game or what? Can you help me please
  7. Can anybody please help the slider not working and how i can get xray no grass? Can you help
  8. Slider bar not working No slider bar showing Can anyone help and tell me what i can do?
  9. I don’t have computer or laptop to download IPA please can you release the direct install
  10. I have to remove old version (v4) and install new version (v5) by IPA ? Can ane one tell me please
  11. ممكن حد يفهمني نزلت اللعبة ولكن وما اقدر العب مع القروبات الثانية اللي عندهم الاصلية بسبب التحديث ممكن حد يخبرني كيف الطريقة