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Everything posted by KingKiRa

  1. Candy Crush Saga Hack Request

    it doesn't work for me. I can't even see it in the profile section for me to trust. Can Someone please make a hacked version of the game.
  2. Looking at the video it seems like ADI is what you keep pressing
  3. Hey please don't think I'm not grateful, only saying in case I'm doing something wrong that's all
  4. Am I the only one that's having issue with mana??
  5. Can you implement a duplication system like you did on last day on earth to help with the constant farming Spinna would also be nice and maybe one hit kill for the big boss.
  6. Unlimited Mana dosnt work at all. Can you please fix this. Also can you insert an icon just saying thank you rather than having to come to the site and then going back to the game. I'm talking about the pop up we get at the start of the game.
  7. Can you please update to latest version