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About Dilipkumarjaatt

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    iPhone 8
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    iOS 11
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  1. It’s useless until we found a proper solution for the spy here... u work harder Nd harder and these Tencent spy here takes no time in cracking the updated version and reporting to Tencent Nd Tencent finds the loophole we use in hack Nd update their ban systems.... we need kinda encrypted data for our hacks so Tencent can’t crack it I don’t know anything about hacking but we can keep our antiban closed source so no one can find wat we use..... @Cz1993 even if u update the hack 10 times in a week too Tencent spy will report Tencent to nearest..... I feel take your own time Nd find a solution so we can beat the Tencent spy in here Nd make a strong reliable hack as before.... one more solution is providing hacks individuality but I feel it’s impossible or find the Tencent spy Nd kick his asss... take your own time and find a solution for this fckng Tencent spy in here......... I myself bought vip for 3 months but from past 1 month didn’t use our hack in fear of getting ban............ Nd no complaints tell people strictly not to buy vip only for one hack Nd cry here after.... @Cz1993 @Primo
  2. Decrypted Script Pubg

  3. * PUBG V 0.12 Hide grass only DLG CODE?

    Thanks sb
  4. GameGem hack codes for PUBG 0.12++

  5. I have jail broken iPhone the new code says device inactive help please
  6. Buddy why keep jail broken devices away as I installed v3 using extender from Cydia but says device inactive even after using new code coupon plz activate devices
  7. Please activate codes new coupon code says device inactive I have jail broken device installed PUBG using extender but new code says device inactive