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    Kawai reacted to iDarthBruc3r for a status update, ok i am back again! PUBG MOBILE star challenge just ended! and wow! I don" know about   
    ok i am back again! PUBG MOBILE star challenge just ended! and wow! I don" know about all you super hackers over here at iOsGG.com BUT...  I gotta tell ya:ll right now that this was the PROS and they did not disappoint, not even a little! watch that replay form Dubia NOW!! TPP on Evangel round 13 the thai team sewes it up!!! real PUBGers already know! I dare anyone who thinks they are a true PUBGer to watch that. it just gave me this little warm feeling that I am not alone as a true PUBGer!
         So Again a true PUBGer can't get his Credentials Help!!!!!