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Everything posted by omar1alqasem

  1. Just a remainder, maybe one of us is from tencent! Good luck
  2. Do you really think because of "normal player" hacks are getting detected? if yes, I think you are one of the brainless in 2019! Have ever thought about tencent getting a SVIP membership in iOsGG and find out what the newest version of hack can do?!
  3. I used to use all of them even if they said not safe and I have never got banned because of it. I got banned from reports or from using cracked version.
  4. which codes are still safe? got ban for using magic, antena and grass. I am not sure what should I use.
  5. Does anyone try IGG for 0.11.5? I have heard from someone it is the only hack working now.
  6. Cz1993 please update the activation code, we can't wait enjoying your hack ^_^
  7. I'm still trying to activate it, but it keeps showing wrong code! Any ideas?