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Everything posted by KIDsilencer

  1. I try to install only no recoil direct but doesnt work, i can download and finished install but cannot trust and open app ,the app shown in gray color icon with meassage “PUBGNoRecoil...” ,cannot tap to open or go setting to trust this app please fix @Cz1993
  2. Please I need only no recoil+cheat engine please. slider version is not support for my iPad mini 4 it crash, and no slider make other player will report me if they see when I shoot anoter player Please upload only no recoil+dlg if is possible thank you
  3. I need only no recoil+cheat engine please @Cz1993 . Slider version is not support for my iPad mini 4 it crash Please upload only no recoil+dlg if is possible thank you
  4. I need only no recoil+cheat engine please @Cz1993slider version is not support for iPad mini 4 it crash Please upload only no recoil+dlg if is possible thank you
  5. I need only no recoil+cheat engine please @Cz1993slider version is not support for iPad mini 4 it crash Please upload only recoil+dlg if is possible thank you
  6. Pubg 0.9.1 DLG CODES
