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Everything posted by KIDsilencer

  1. https://apps.apple.com/th/developer/garena-mobile-games-private-ltd/id1096472396 Use this page to get the requested game info or the request its not valid. https://iOSGG.com/app Features: - Map hack - Visible enemy - Non-Jailbreak Thanks!
  2. i**** (inappropriate word) this hack it not support for all device , its sh!t
  3. Game crash Every time when open game app Why? my device iPad mini4 ipasOS 13.4.1
  4. RoV Thai version

    Please make ROV Thailand version with anti-ban (same like pubg) Garena RoV by Garena Mobile Games Private Ltd. https://itunes.apple.com/th/app/garena-rov/id1150337432?mt=8 Features: - Mini Map Hack (Always see Enemy in the MiniMap) - Map Hack (Always see Enemy in the Map) - Jungle Hack (Always see all Monsters) - Bush Hack (Always see Enemy in the Bush!) Jailbreak or Non-Jailbreak: Thanks!
  5. I need host anyone please help me??
  6. 11 hours ago, qaz15244 said: Every new member if you want to buy VIP , You must think clearly,May make you regret Because you spend money but can't play pubg hack. hack is stop update..!!!!! !!The reason why the topic is not locked, because they want to rely on the topic to make more VIP!!!!!!!!! 7 hours ago, JohnGyi said: Sorry for new members and svip members who buy it for only pubg ? Please all members , share it for good Prevent new members buy vip for pubg hack.