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Everything posted by Legend789

  1. Dokkan Battle hack update to version 3.8.4

    @cz1993 Bro, Update Please!!
  2. Dokkan Battle hack update to version 3.8.4

    UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
  3. Is there a way to install .deb files on a non-jail broken device?
  4. Yayyyy, now for the Non-Jailbroken users!!!
  5. @cz1993Update needed, 6.1.4, which came out of nowhere again..
  6. Alright, now for the Non-Jailbroken Users!!! @cz1993 Forgot to add your name in my previous comment lol
  7. Alright, so something unexpected happened this week. We are in no need of version 6.1.2 anymore, but 6.1.3. It updated twice during this week, which is ridiculous. If any updates or tweaks are being made to the ipa of 6.1.2, then may they be stopped and worked on to 6.1.3? Saves a lot more time than making 6.1.2 now and having requests to release 6.1.3 as soon as you put it out.
  8. @cz1993The already needs another update. This game needs to slow down a bit with the the updates??. But it updated to 6.1.2
  9. Alright, now for the Non-Jailbroken Users!!!