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About moayad90

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    iPad Pro
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak
  1. ertificate is finished apple gave me 7 dayes so i have to install it in direct can you renew the cods @Cz1993 please replay @Cz1993
  2. my certificate is finished apple gave me 7 dayes so i have to install it in direct can you renew the cods @Cz1993
  3. Ty @Cz1993 jim musí říct, co se děje ... Stačí jen vypustit informaci, která nepíše temnou věc
  4. Certificate been revoked before release I think the problem from his source make Plan B : finde other sources Why most of stores work perfectly now @Cz1993
  5. All your gaps have been detected by the company Therefore you should not rush to issue any work until the test We will be patient and thankful
  6. Ban and killing no one tried many accounts and many devices lol So u have said more safe lol
  7. Ok just make it by cydia impictor for now and I would buy you a drink