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Everything posted by Chanata

  1. There is anyone got banned for 10 min ..??? Beacuse i got banned for 10 min today
  2. Yes V3 coming soon ?? thank you @Cz1993 check the latest announcement guys, he said coming soon so get ready ??
  3. First day v2 launch more than 420 members login Now less than 20 members looking this post what happen now.., maybe all members got lockdown because covid19 ??
  4. Don't play it until @Cz1993 update again with new versions V3 guys now this hack currently NOT SAFE to play it
  5. @Cz1993i just got banned for two hours with my main account... with metode 1, using all mod menu i dont know why... today and yesterday play more than 50 match nothing happen, just now got banned
  6. You got banned because you so dumb, u already know that game not safe anymore and u still play it Just wait until @Cz1993realease new one
  7. Still not safe bro... read all comments everyone got banned, better wait admin to fix that first
  8. What you talking about bro.. menu is great easy to use.. just wait @Cz1993 to fix it...
  9. Yup i got 10 min banned using 2 ios metode 1 ... @Cz1993 just be careful wait him update the game version
  10. Is it still safe after update or not @Cz1993 ?
  11. After nearly 4hrs of downloading gives the error unable to install please help this has been for the past 4 days, helpless ??‍♂️ @Cz1993 same always this my 10x give up now until no more people download it
  12. Just shut up dumber ... you just joining vip no one forced you to join VIP, even until know im still not successful yet download but not complaining like you, so sick watching people only complain without thinking
  13. Why after download always showing unable to install pubg fail all the time this my 10x already help me pls
  14. Omg so annoying, nearly finish download the game but host error, so my game been unable to install .. ?
  15. Yes you right to much people download it right now Be patient right now.. pass 2 hour still 1/4