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Everything posted by dcytnet

  1. 3 device no ban 2 day try iOS play + iOS +Android no ban , 3 device, i try 5-10 game no use any iiOSGG Menu save
  2. no use iOSGG Menu no ban....safe no use iOSGG Menu no ban....safe
  3. same problem Step1. Go to in the post, if is supported you can find the "Super Install" button in the hidden content. Step2. Tap on the button and will open a new page, then tap on GET. Step3. Tap on Allow, Install. (Note: The profile its just for get the device UDID, will not install any profile on your device and it is normal if the profile shows "not signed".) Step4. Enter you passcode, the code you use for unlock the device. Step5. Tap on install and install again. Step6. If is the first time here you have to input the Key which you can purchase in the store, or by following this link: https://iosgg.com/store/product/74-super-install-key-for-1-year/. Step7. Now tap on GET again the system will start signing your application for your device. Note: The signing process may take from 30 sec ~ 10minutes, depend on the file size. Note2: Keep the screen always on and keep Safari in the foreground. (You can use safari to browse other pages but don't switch to other apps)
  4. 我也是,你是不是也是按了super install 就在网络上sign,没有出现allow install , 也没有install profile ,
  5. Currently we have disabled the signing process, if you have already started the installation, it will not take much time.
  6. I try over 11 hours............cant ...................saddddddddddddddddddddd......................