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Everything posted by 1nOnlyGizmo

  1. Emulator Play! v0.3

  2. I apologize that this does not follow the basic guidelines for a request. I have never requested anything but games before. This is my first Emulator update request. Wondering if you could add this emulator and make it for Direct Install. Would greatly appreciate it. Emulator : Scummvm 2.1.0 (ios 11) http://www.mediafire.com/file/skinjwqqis99xmn/ScummVM+2.1.0+(iOS+11).ipa Features: - iOS 11 (64-bit) Compatible - Keyboard Lanscape mode Autohide Fix - Mt-32 Emulation Fixed Non-Jailbreak: Thanks! Sorry for not following the guidelines as per I could not find anything on emulator requests.
  3. Happy Hacking Everyone