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Everything posted by rain888

  1. After downloaded the new ver, paste in the new activation code, it said Device not activated… can u check?
  2. cant download still, always tell me there was an user ahead of me and ask me to wait few mins. Even nobody line up, it still took forever to sign. Till now, no success. Can u plz fix!
  3. Question: it asked me to download a new update. Saw some other people also got same problem... any fix?
  4. Question: it asked me to download a new update. Saw some other people also got same problem... How to fix it ?
  5. It always said “Signing “, tried many times, not working… any other ways?
  6. 如题,如果有人能破解,愿意支付客观薪酬。谢谢!
  7. "contact your administrator to check the amount available for the device." same here, please advise.