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Everything posted by M3TROMania

  1. You are kw able to get this hack on tweakbox just go to the hacked section and search last amendment it will be there v1.8.6
  2. I love this game soooo much and now I get an amazing hack for it thank you sooo much you guys make amazing free hacks for all my favorite games including grim soles. thanks
  3. You activate ur account not them lol just go ask one of the moderators for help or ask @Sparky0for help
  4. Doesn’t work but thanks for the hard work for the amazing hack while it worked before it got updated.
  5. If you lie these hacks as much as I do like and quote plea and I’ll like and quote all the people that like and quote this thxxthx
  6. I’m in love with these hacks for last day on earth I swear
  7. Worked for me and it’s awesome Worked for me and it’s awesome I’m a big fan of dragon ball so thanks for the hack really put a tear in my eye
  8. Thanks so much fo the hack You the best at what I doooo
  9. Can you guys possibly get in contact with tweakbox and see if they can update the last day on earth in there app cause it’s outdated and I really want to get the new hack thx
  10. Thank you so much for the update on Last day on earth v1.8.6 I love how much work you guys put into your hacks and you guys do a damn good job at it and I hope it will come to tweak box soon because my cydia impactor don’t work lOl thx for the hack
  11. The back needs to be updated the app itself just came out with a new update 1.8.6