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Everything posted by BlackFirex

  1. @Cz1993 It’s crashing .. can you Check the Update? It‘s showing that the Update is only renamed.. while you open it into filza it‘s showing v1.14.1
  2. ok 5 days xD but the Updates are taking longer than before the direct install released.. because before 4-5 Months you guys here was the first who updated any Game and it was everytime 2-3 Days after update released.. and now its taking longer.. thats what i mean ??‍♂️
  3. 2 weeks for 1 Update.. damn.. sry i like this page but i think from the time when direct install came out the Updates are taking much longer.. my mind of it.. delete it.. i can use my pc as well
  4. Yeah the Update isn‘t yet out.. you have to wait 1-2 days.
  5. Thx.. but pls a Little lower ads.. one Time i got every 1 minute an 5 sec Video ad.. and that was creepe When you was under attack.. so pls make them less
  6. Ow ok.. you didin‘t wrote it in description ?