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About Sceneraider

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  • Device
    iPhone 7
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak
  1. Since 1.9.2 update your coins and crafting points go down when used, when before it went up will this be fixed?
  2. how do i know when there is an update? does it auto download or pop up in tweakbox?
  3. when i recover my account it loads and says my game needs an update but if i reinstall and use a fresh account it works fine until i recover mine and says i need an update? i was told i need to wait until the mod was updated but why can i use it on new accounts? is this because i am banned or would i get a banned message? thanks
  4. I’m hoping someone can help me with this problem. Since yesterday I opened the app and it keeps telling me I need to update so I can’t use this hack. But if I delete the app and redownload I can use it on a new player fine but as soon and I restore my caracter it says I need to update. I can’t use my character as it keeps asking to update but if I used a new player it works fine. Also if I download the game from the App Store I can use my character fine without the hacks. Not sure what’s going on here.