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About Patotoy

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  • Device
    iPhone 6S Plus
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak
  1. Does this still work with the new update?
  2. Oh do i need that even tho i got the hack? It says just put 1 piece and i should be able to finalize it.
  3. cant finalize chopper button is yellow but when i click it nothing happens help please thanks in advance
  4. 1.9 out hope you guys can make it compatible for electra jb thanks guys goodluck :)
  5. I see i hope it gets available soon for electra ill be waiting for this :)
  6. Help please Im at iOS 11.3 jailbreaked by electra i downloaded the file successfully but when i run ldoe it crashes and when i run it again it runs as a normal game without any hacks or login for iosgg how do i make the hack work?
  7. What does it mean by change location after activating free crafting?