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Everything posted by d3vilGG

  1. Update Profile, on app. Requires verification to open app. Thanks for quick updates :D
  2. Any DLG? Code that is safe to see, near trees and grass? X-ray version I can’t see nothing no tree
  3. Is it causing ban every two days? and what is first ban, still 10 minutes or direct 10 years? Anyone using it on main account, without being banned, since how long are you playing this updated hack?
  4. Lets see, i hope it's safe, i wouldn't be using ANY DLG, no-recoil is what i need. I wonder if first ban is 10 minutes or 10 years? :P fresh acc
  5. I got 10 minute ban, since it was fresh account. You must have been banned, before in previous seasons.
  6. I used, X-ray version. not sure about no recoil. It’s simple, first warning = 10 mins second = 2 hour 3rd = 10 years!