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About Woogie

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  • Device
    iPhone 8 Plus
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak
  1. I mean I literally just deleted it and downloaded it back again but now it doesn’t work?
  2. Welp I can’t play anymore my game just broke for no reason I didn’t even make a unreleased item but I guess it’s just gonna keep me in an infinite loading screen ??
  3. I need a computer for cydia and I don’t have one sooo I still don’t know what to do
  4. Wouldn’t the mod for non jail break be preset so that I can just use the store like that ?
  5. Do I download the game or cydia? Because it says cydia is only for iOS 11.2 but I’m 11.4??????
  6. How do I find cydia and yes I don’t have a jailbroken phone so where do I go?
  7. Well I guess it’s rip on the geni ya watch tower cause it won’t let me build it there but I placed it’s weird also how do I get to Charlie bunker if I can’t make a helicopter? Also how do buy things from store does it not work or do I need real money
  8. I built a cb radio but i still don’t get raiders? And also how do I destroy genarators?
  9. Ohhhh ok I just realized but I also wanted to know why I can put up my electric generator at watch tower ? And also how do I raid more people because I only see 4 people on the map and I’ve raided all of them ?
  10. Why can’t I place a helicopter down or chemistry work bench? I can’t even place a radio tower?
  11. What are all the unreleased items? So it doesn’t happen next time?