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Everything posted by Pogos

  1. Maybe. Only time will tell. Keep in mind that last version v11.5 (V5) never got detected and it was only direct install if I’m not mistaken, only certificate got revoked and PUBG got updated to v12.
  2. Seems like cz have already decided to upload the IPA. If this gets detected within a few days because some VIP users share it to other sites then we should consider deleting this option and just focusing on direct install.
  3. Doesn’t matter if your question wasn’t directed to me. This is a forum. A community. Your closed mind and knowledge needs to be addressed so people understand the situation more. and no, it did not say that members here reported the certificate. ONLY that it got revoked.
  4. Not everything goes on as planned in life. Learn that now to get used to disappointment. No one would have guessed that apple is targeting us so hard and keeps revoking certificates.
  5. You clearly don’t know much. Some certificates have multiple buyers. Not only CZ. Therefor it could be reported from elsewhere. Actuall certifactes is not easy to attain legit.
  6. That won’t happen. You can dream about it though :) releasing ipa means it will be detected within few days. More complains. Dream about it. Who wants to get banned after a few days and then wait more for it to get fixed? Releasing ipa will make that happen. Also there are some user who share it to other sites.
  7. I think it’s about time to release the direct install of version 0.12 as well. And try this anti revoke and se how it holds up.
  8. Because some users share the ipa to others outside the forum and it gets detected fast! More work to fix and more waiting time for all other members here.
  9. Give other people time to download anti revoke. Don’t be selfish
  10. My bad, thought you said release ipa. ? but how are you going to make best anti revoke possible?
  11. Releasing ipa and then after few days hacks get detected. And then you will have to wait even longer for hack to get fixed? Think of the big picture.
  12. I know it cost few dollars. That’s an alternative to people who’s already vip member and can put out that money. Until we can find a better and long term solution, everything we find now that can prevent revokes Is “good enough”.
  13. Yes, I have an alternative anti revoke with an app from AppStore called adguard pro. Block apple servers through vpn like appeven. It’s more stable in my mind. Uploading the ipa should be the last thing to do if there are no other solutions.
  14. What is the point of releasing ipa and the hack get detected after a few days? Then more complains will come from unappreciated people. The anti revoke method is the best solution for now.
  15. As this man above said. Can you upload the IPA in the meantime? While you find a solution for certificate and anti revoke. Everyone can play while waiting.. @Cz1993
  16. It doesn’t matter if it works now or not. you have to eventually update through AppStore to 0.12 to play with your friends.. better wait for updated hack to 0.12
  17. New version already released on AppStore if that’s what you’re waiting for.
  18. No he should not put out ipa. People share it everywhere and it gets detected. Hope for an anti revoke certficate solution instead