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Everything posted by MQankea

  1. Note: I got banned (17.01.2017) using the Recoil only hack with the VPN and everything after 3 matches (did not get reported since all my kills were not suspicious). I don't suggest using it on your main account.
  2. Update: - Played 2 matches (1 with X-RAY Slider, 1 just with Recoil assist, with an account connected to Facebook, Silver 5, 15+ kills both matches but there were also bots), not banned for 5 hours. I will be playing more games only with Recoil assist for a few days and I am gonna post an update. PM me if you want me to test anything. Update 2: The VPN is working really bad so I can only play Erangel, when will be able to play more maps, gonna update.
  3. I would like to test it but i can't use it atm since i need the credentials and activation code or whatever, I hope the admin will help me sometime today (hopefully). After that I will come back with some results!