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Everything posted by Sensorium013

  1. I told you that i didn't crafted any item. i was full items,and raiding other players just for parts. I WAS CHOPING WALLS WHEN GAME CLOSED AND NOW I CANNOT RECONNECT. read before reply next time
  2. I was raiding another player base (mission from raiders) and i did not interracted with any forbidden item..i was just destroying walls and my game crashed...after reinstalling the game and trying to restore the progress,the game keeps block at the loading screen..what can i do? :/
  3. Sorry that i cannot understand your message. so you say that not all of the versions of this 25+ multi hack works...but as long as i have anything that i need without coins / some packages that include parts for vehicles,what i have to do to be able to purchas packages/coins for free?
  4. I did installed cidia and with it , the app on my phone...i did authorized my apple id on profile managements and entered in the new installed game app...still,when i try to buy something from the shop,it says : ''whoops,service is temporarely unnavailable..." what have i did wrong?! :/